California Overtime Calculator 2024

Calculate your overtime pay according to California labor laws - Updated with 2024 rates

Calculation Results

Regular Pay: $0.00
Overtime Pay: $0.00
Double Time Pay: $0.00
Total Pay: $0.00

California Overtime Laws 2024

Regular Overtime (1.5x)

Applies to hours worked beyond 8 per day or 40 per week

Double Time (2x)

Applies after 12 hours in a workday or after 8 hours on the 7th consecutive workday

Minimum Wage 2024

$16.00 per hour for all employers in California

Understanding California Overtime Laws

Daily Overtime Rules

California has unique daily overtime rules that differ from federal standards. Understanding these rules is crucial for both employers and employees.

Key Points:
  • First 8 hours: Regular rate
  • Hours 8-12: Time and a half (1.5x)
  • Beyond 12 hours: Double time (2x)

If you work 14 hours in one day, you'll receive: 8 hours at regular pay + 4 hours at 1.5x + 2 hours at 2x

Weekly Overtime Calculations

Weekly overtime applies after 40 hours in a workweek, regardless of how many hours are worked each day.

Weekly Thresholds:
  • Up to 40 hours: Regular rate
  • Beyond 40 hours: Time and a half (1.5x)
  • Exceptions may apply for alternative workweek schedules

Working 45 hours in a week with no daily overtime: 40 hours regular + 5 hours at 1.5x

Seventh Day Premium

California law requires premium pay for employees who work seven consecutive days in a workweek.

Seventh Day Rules:
  • First 8 hours: Time and a half (1.5x)
  • Beyond 8 hours: Double time (2x)
  • Must be seventh consecutive day

Working 10 hours on the 7th day: 8 hours at 1.5x + 2 hours at 2x

Alternative Workweek Schedules

California allows for alternative workweek schedules when properly implemented with employee agreement.

  • Written agreement required
  • 2/3 employee approval needed
  • Regular schedule of 10-hour days possible

4/10 Schedule: Four 10-hour days with no overtime until after 10 hours

Meal Break Premium Pay

California requires premium pay when meal breaks are missed or taken late.

Break Requirements:
  • 30-minute meal break before 5th hour
  • Second meal break before 10th hour
  • One hour premium pay for violations

Missing a meal break: Regular pay + 1 hour premium pay

2024 Minimum Wage Impact

California's new minimum wage affects overtime calculations for all workers.

2024 Updates:
  • Minimum wage: $16.00/hour
  • Minimum overtime rate: $24.00/hour (1.5x)
  • Minimum double time rate: $32.00/hour (2x)

At minimum wage, 10 hours worked: 8 hours at $16 + 2 hours at $24

Frequently Asked Questions

How is overtime calculated in California?

In California, overtime is paid at 1.5 times the regular rate for hours worked beyond 8 per day or 40 per week. Double time applies after 12 hours in a day.

What is the minimum wage in California?

As of January 1, 2024, the minimum wage in California is $16.00 per hour for all employers, regardless of size.

Do California employers have to pay double time?

Yes, California employers must pay double time (2x regular rate) for hours worked beyond 12 in a workday, or beyond 8 hours on the seventh consecutive day of work in a workweek.